Supex Text LogoSupex Logo Mark


Quick Setup

The recommended method for creating a Supex app is using create-supex, which automatically sets up everything for you.


npx create-supex@latest

This command create a folder with the project name and required config files.

Manual Installation

  1. Install the required dependencies


    npm install supex@latest solid-js@latest webextension-polyfill@latest
  2. Install the typescript dependencies. Skip this if you don't use typescript in your project;


    npm install typescript@latest @types/webextension-polyfill@latest --save-dev
  3. Add the following scripts into package.json


      "scripts": {
        "watch:chrome": "supex watch --browser=chrome",
        "watch:firefox": "supex watch --browser=chrome",
        "build": "supex build",
        "build:chrome": "supex build --browser=chrome",
        "build:firefox": "supex build --browser=chrome",
        "build:edge": "supex build --browser=edge",
        "build:opera": "supex build --browser=opera",
        "build:safari": "supex build --browser=safari",
  4. Create a supex.json file and put the following attributes


      "$schema": "",
      "name": "Supex",
      "version": "0.0.1",
    /* Please replace `name`, `version` and `description` values with your extension specific. */
  5. Create /app and /public folders.

Development Mode

To run your extension in development mode, please run npm run watch:chrome or npm run watch:firefox. This command will open a browser instance with the extension loaded.